**** DONE: 1/33 Vickers Vimy - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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This will probably be the next "finished" model in this GB. Great work, Boats...


Ahoy Charles and the rest of the gang
Thanks charles for your reply I am now on the rigging it takes a great deal of time but its getting there trying to milk the build I am slowing down a tad we have until Febuary to have it done from my understanding with all the rigging and being a Biplane requires lots of time your flying Beer barrel is coming along very well I will comnet on it when i finsh this update comimg up.. Thanks charles.

Ahoy Fellows
Here is a update build report on the Vimy first I would love to thank everyone hewre for their replies and views I am always Honored.. Ok gang useing polyester thread swiped down with bees wax and a sewing needle the rigging of the control surfaces has just started I done a lot of burninhing to smooth out the stabilizers it is best done when the glue is cured or other wise it will warp the surfaces because the glue is still wet hasent dried yet so let that glue dry.. The instructiuons of the rigging is all garbeled so I used a bettewr scource for this type of work I have a scale drawing of the Vimy from a publication done by the late Paul Matt, the books he has done are a engineering marvel almost like that of the old cleveland plans. making life easier for and simple to understand I* have miles to go be3fore this step is completed but i am getting there here is a update the next one will be the finished step of the rigging.



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thanks everyone for your replies you all make me smile I wish i knew you all in person tht would be a blessing, Okay chaps here is the last update for the night old boats eyeballs are tire i spent 14 hours today on this and I am ready for a beer and a good cigar.. all of the rigging is completed I gave the ship a coat of Krylon clear letting it dry for the night there is more to do on the fuselage i should have all these done tomorrow and i will move to the center wing section this where the fun will begin my hands are rubbing.. Here is the update build report for the day.



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i've love a copy of the rigging detail if you could post a pic Boats,it would help with my old frog vimy i have tucked away in the loft

Thanks men for yoiur replies, The fusleage assembly has been completed there were a few parts alonmg with the tail skid too, there was no pattern for the tail skid i was on my own useing wire for the job it turned out better then I thought.. Now the fun part has just begun the wings. Before the wings are added this will be a time consumeing adventure, The bottom and top center wing sections have to be added before the outer panels are joined.. on the bottom wing center section there are the two huge engine nacelle addemblies have to be installed along with the four interpane struts that are thier supports.. once these are installed the outer panels will come into play then i will conmstruct the undercarriage rigging will be added as I build the engine nacelles and the two center wing sections like that of the stabilizers and rudders. the assembly of the center wing section is like that of the tail feathers I forgot to mention on the last post of the construction of the tail feathers,, Your wondering what in the sam hell is all those lines old Boats drew on the inside of the tabilizer these are rib lines useing a dried up ink pin and a straight edge of what ever selection you choose is scored on those lines but be certain you use cardboard under the project and score when done turn over the wing or stabilizer and look at the top of the wing you will see how the ribs portrude through like that of balsa models and the real thing a trick of card modeling ...... Here is the update for the night much more tomoirrow



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