**** DONE: 1/33 Vickers Vimy - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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I have to say that you, Boats, and Mr. C, are absolutely wonderful contributions to the plastic modelling genre on this forum. And Boats your "sewin" of the riggin has to make that paper model immensley strong. I know my few plastic rigging efforts have made them structural wonders. Nice!

Ahoy Matt
Thank you very much i am very touched and pleased to be here on this forum. you fellas all have been very kind to me and my builds my builds are very different then whats present in todays modeling this forum from my stand point is the only forum that has so many different type of aircraft of all countries and makes you fellas are very top notched builders and do wonders to plastic. I will will post plastic builds here and then but with all of these card models they keep calling on me I wi9ll do another card build then i will sneak in a good plastic kit. But for now I have another card kit to to build and would love to join in again for another group build when i finish my Vimy . again Matt thanks a million for youir replies you fellas are the best this is my home sweet home.

Ahoy fellows
I just finished the undercarriage and its rigginmg the intire plane is finished sall is left is the props I will have this finished and have some good pictures of her tomorrow, this build is very difficult to construct with all of the rigging and it being a biplane the ri9gging as quoted from Matt has gave this aircraft exceptional strength it fell off the work bench and nothing got busted..you should heard me cuss worst then I use to be a sailor LOLlllllllllllll But its all good nothing got broken Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I was swaeting bullets when she hit the deck a big model to say the least. opkay fellas here are the pictures for tonite tomorrow I will post the finished product.



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Ahoy Fellas
My Group build No.16 is concluded and i am ready for another group build someone please give me the straight dope on whats next so i cna get started. Before I go any further I wish to thank each anmd everyone of you great bunch of fellows here for your views and replies you all make me pretty much at home and I love here like one big happy familty.

As card models go they build just as good as plastic or wood just different in methods of assembly and it being only paper its all the principle is the same.. this a very difficult kit to build and it takes patience which is a virtu when it comes to cardmodeling it takes a while to master like anything else in life..I learned alot from this build I had no idea at the durring construction that this aircraft flew first 8 yerars before lindberghs nyp flight in 1927 what an acheivement for Alcot and Brown to cross from Ireland to Newfoundland.. The kit for me was very enjoyable my eyeballs are blood shot from all of thast rigging they look like old boats went on a 30 day drunk my Mrs said look at your eyes you been on that thing day and night. For me its a labor of love.. So here is my Vimy I tried to take her outside for some good pictures but it started raining and shot that down the tubes so I tiik here on the work bench Heres the Vimmy.



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Really Great, Boats. Now you need to take the required pic's and put up a "Finished" thread.

This will be a stunner in the GB.


P.S. The required pic's are (1) head on, (2) left front quarter, (3) left side, (4) left rear quarter, (5) rear view, (6) right rear quarter, (7) right side, and finally, right front quarter.

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