**** DONE: 1/48 A6M3 Q-102 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Thanks all for the kind comments and tips
Sanding is completed, and shes in the paint booth, been waiting the past 5 days (we'll been having a spot of rain each day :S, all day, everyday )

Now when is that deadline?
Had a couple bad weeks puttying the model, but it all turned out great in the end.

and then.......

"Biggy" my dog chewed up the Zero (I had finished everything, for my last step, I went and gave him his favorite treat "Dentastix" he loves the beef version, unfortunatley I forgot to wash my hands before touching the model again, and when I left it alone, he climbed up to my chair and started to chew on it, he didn't do much damage but he made a pretty huge hole in the center section where I had putied, fortunatley he didn't injest anything. but it took me a couple hours to fix it to look "right")

So far this is what it came out when I fixed it, I just applied a bit of a similar mili put (its like play dough) and then puttied over it and sanded and voila, good as new. It just took a couple hours and lots of waiting for the putty to dry, then sanding.... I almost bined it, but I love this kit so much and the abuse its been over the years, so I thought if I picked it up for 10 bucks shes worth finishing and repairing. I'll explain the procedure for fixing it as soon as I get some scrap samples off this mustang and go at it with that.:

The Panel lines have been giving me trouble ever since I got it repaired, I'll re-try it tomorrow by puttying and re-doing but if it comes out a bit better than this atm, I'll leave it as is, since this Zeros been a unlucky one, so I'd hate to scar it. I took the raised panel lines and sanded them off, inserting panel lines with a X-acto knife on the sections I needed re-done after Biggy took a chunk out. There were a couple big holes on the wing root as well, but I'll go into that later (not from Biggy, but from the kit itself, it didn't fit that well on the wing):

Tomorrow some engine pics, wiring it hopefully and some canopy pics and I'll finally reveal which Zero I'll be doing. Its been a tough time deciding but I think the one I'm going with is the best option.
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Sounds like you have had your hands full and tasting nice to Biggy, did you laugh or cry. From the sounds of it you have done well to achieve the repairs. Certainly looking good.
Ok Finally some progress ! No, not on the engine or cockpit parts (that I promised) something a bit better:

Panel Lines, again, I re-sanded and re-applied the lines, it turned out great on the tail section and the bottom section still looks a bit rough around the edges but I guess I'll leave it at that, the putty can't take much more sanding and it went from a shaky line from the previous update to a straight line, can't really ask for anything better:
First the Tail section, always double checking with silver paint

The Tail section's panel lines went together very well:

Bottom section:

Now the real reason for my update, I finally hit the paint booth I decided on doing Q-102, since this model was in a "Dog Fight" and almost didn't make it to the booth.
I thought it'd be nice to make it a "beat up" aircraft (plus I hate not knowing the exact or similar color to EB-201 I was about to do a dark to medium blue grey for the airplane but I didn't bother to guess :S it just confounds me too much with numerous conflicting information on the aircraft, so Q-102 is a fitting substitute, since its airframe was used in EB-201s construction), I'll weather her to something near what this picture shows, not as much decay or damage, but we'll see how far I take it. Plus it'd be a shame not to use those very nice, 20-30 something year old Tamiya decals which are in excellent condition, so far I'll post the teaser right out of the booth :

This isn't my pic it was taken off the web (I beleive it was a file sharing site) of Q-102


After, I mixed a special batch of Grey Green for her, I had very little of the Tamiya Grey Green left, so a bit of Grey Green Tamiya, White and a Dab of a color I've had for ages, its called "bambus" a color very similar to a pale green grey, gives it that "aged" look. I picked it up at a local art store that was going out of business back when I was a kid.:
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