**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II (3 Viewers)

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Thanks very much guys. Tonight I screwed up the courage to tack a scratch built MkII Gyro Gunsight. Here's the reference I used:

I made the basic shape out of scrap bits of sprue, plastic rod and card, then gave it a coat of dark grey:

The front face received a dial made of stretched sprue and the gauge ring was drawn on by hand with a 0.2mm felt pen.

Then the tricky part - adding the thin clear plastic reflector glasses in a triangular pattern. Edges and shade were painted black, et voila!

Great job Andy !
As usual, the offers come in after the event, but I have a couple of spare K-14 sights I could have sent you. As you know, the K-14 was basically a licence-built copy of the Ferranti GCGS, so looked more or less the same.
Not a problem Terry. It would not have been worth the 1.5 hours it took me to make one. I would have had to modify the K14 anyway to remove the crash pad.

I hope to install this and get the canopy on this weekend - not a very aggressive target I admit but it should set me up for painting.
Thanks very much everyone.

The underside has been painted in a bit of a mish-mash approach. I have read that FAA Corsairs had US equivalent colours for the British camo schemes and that the underside, in particular, was a greyer version of Sky. At first, I painted the entire underside with ModelMaster Sky Type S and hated it (no pics) so I then mixed up a thin batch of a Tamiya grey mixed with white and painted over the base colour. After that, highlights and post shaded panels were done by adding a few drops of white followed by a few drops of black, respectively, to obtain the weathered look shown below. This will serve as the base paint for the final scheme that will be enhanced with exhaust stains and oil streaks.

The exhaust stubs are another story that will deserve a separate post later on as, at present, I'm not totally satisfied with what the kit has provided in this area.


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