**** DONE: 1/48 Curtis P-36C Hawk – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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The seat is done and dang these close-ups shots. Though I'm not totally happy with my paint job, it does look better when viewed at normal size. Glue this and a few little bits, paint the windscreen, and it's done.(I've got to learn to paint the clear parts first. These are the most nerve wracking for me to paint and I've got a few models that just require the clear parts to be done and they would be finished.)


It looks good to me :)

If you want less wash just whipe a bit with a Q-tip diped in water, if it hasn't dried yet, if it has dried just add a touch (half a drop) of the thiner you use for your paints onto the wet Q-tip, should do the trick, but whipe it gently :)

If you want less black in the wash, add a bit of white into the mix, I usually mix a bit of black, water, thiner, white and then more water :D
Thanks everyone. Finished. Though not even close to being as bad as the A-4, I'm thinking this will be my last Hobbycraft kit for a while...two P-40s and a..."shudder"...A-4 left in the stash. Hopefully I will have the done photos posted tomorrow.



EDIT As I was putting it away for the night, I knocked off the port antenna....again..sigh.
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