Thanks guys.
Today's update;
After several days of circulation problems in my hands and feet, i felt ok enough to work on the project, which my arthiritic hands still gave me some trouble with. I decided to scratch build seat belts for the project, but first I wanted to spray the fuselage blue so I could get an idea what can be seen through the little window cutouts (not much).
Satisfied no extensive scratch is needed behind the pilot, it was time to tackle the belts.
First, tamiya tape was cut to fit the belts on my cutting board with an exacto knife.
These were then attached using elmer's white glue to the roll bar behind the seat and drapped over the chair.
Next, some sprue is streched to make buckle details.
Four pieces are cut for the shoulder belts, and a 'v' shape for the seat belt, whcih I saw used on some expensive eduard belts that cost more then the kit!
Again using elmer's, these bits of plastic are placed on the shoulder and seat belts and allowed to dry.
When this dried modelmaster lt tan (as per a photo of McCambell i have) is used to paint the belts, with burnt umber to represent the detail work (again copied from the eduard picture) and lastly silver for the metal bits I made.
After this had dried, the cockpit was finally assembled and set aside to dry over night.
I will do any touch-ups after this has dried, but I think it came out pretty well.