**** DONE: 1/48 Fw190 D-9 "Blue 12" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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After looking at the model again and thinking about it, I am not going to do any more additional painting on 500570 and will call her done! I kind of agree with Wayne about the lightness of the green color but I'm going to accept it because I like how I have a hint of the 81 showing on the edges of my green at the cowling and that was something I was keen on capturing. In other words, I don't wanna botch it up!

I hope you guys enjoyed this build as much as I did! I learned alot about Doras and tried a few new modeling methods... a very positive experience! Thanks for watching! I'll start my FINISHED thread soon.
Thanks guys! I've put up the FINISHED post and now I'm just twiddling my thumbs. I had a lot of enthusiasm going into this particular build and now that it's complete... I've got nothing to work on and wondering what I should build next.

I've finished this at an appropriate time as I am leaving on an 3 day offshore fishing trip this weekend. That'll give me time to ponder my next project. Has the next GB been determined?

Thanks Chris! Hmmmm... Mediterranean/North Africa eh? Not really familiar with that theater but I still need to cross off a USAF and RAF fighter off my to-do list.

torch said:
Just wow!!!!!!!!
Thanks Torch!
Do you notice anything wrong? I honestly did not until Andy was kind enough to point it out to me via PM. The cross on the right wing has been misplaced. Look at the panel lines for reference and you'll see that the right cross needs to be pushed in to the left to match the correctly placed port wing cross.

I know this Group Build is over and I am not going to modify my Finished pictures to reflect any changes but I couldn't let the mistake pass without correction. Luckily the right cross is entirely in the dark gray area and all of the markings were painted on with masks. Fixing it is a fairly simple matter.

Here is the offending wing cross before I obliterate it...

The dark grey goes on and the white cross disappears...

I try to save my used masks in case of such emergencies.

White goes on...

The cross is corrected!

A quick clear coat and the repair is complete...

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