**** DONE: 1/48 Grumman TBM-1C Avenger VMTB-232 – Carrier Aircraft GB

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Thanks gents! Blasted pilot tube kept catching when I was removing the masking! Have to re glue that back on. This has been a battle for what was something so simple, first the darn can of clear went cookoo and threw a glob of clear and I had to wait for it to cure to then sand the darn coat. Followed by decal trouble.. But all is ok now Im on the home stretch!!!
The list of left to do is:
Paint the landing gear.
Install the guns for the turret and ventral position.
Wire the Antenna.
Install Sliding Windows.
Add some light touches to finish this beast!!!!

Tonight Im attacking the gear, painting the tyres, brake line, and giving it one more coat of gloss... If you are wondering the gear is NOT glued in place just yet, once final weathering to the gear is 100% then they will be glue in place but I will have to make a jig for that.

I will be glad once this bird is done. You may not be able to tell since I have been able to fix certain "oh-§#!+$" but for a model in the past that has been built without a glitch, this one has now made it where I will NEVER use gloss and dull coats from a can again.
Both cans leaked while I was spraying throwing a bit too much lacquer at them! But all is well now..
pretty much done, just have a few small parts to install:


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