**** DONE: 1/48 P-51D - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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damn, geo, those wheels are looking, dare I say it, rather sexy! That is filed away in the log book (I no longer trust my feeble, gray matter). Great idea!!! I am working my way up to a silver finished bird in the near future. Trying to decide if I will paint it or give Alclad a try.
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Thanks for popping in and the comments gentlemen. Dale, once I compared the open spokes of my last model to these, I had to get the drill out. Mind you, the hubs have to be separate, but I can still add depth to single piece wheels.

Thanks all. Minor set-back. When I turned the model to paint the bottom, I noticed that four drops of paint had run from the top to the bottom(yellow) and the one seam I had to deal with didn't clean up so well(blue)). No biggie. I'll finish the two main shades tonight and then add the individual panel shades tamorrie.

Thank you, gents. Fix complete and have started adding the various shades. I don't have ideal lighting anywhere so it's hard for me to translate with the camera, the different shades the eyes pickup. Next up, the gun hatches and ailerons, flaps, elevators, and rudder.

Thank you Wojtek and Mr. Wint. Upper wings are done, four shades of silver. The upper and lower gun panels are the same color but it doesn't show up in the photo, odd. On to the tail....


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