**** DONE: 1/48 PBY-5A - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Thanks for the comment gents. Well, as I feared, there was just too much stress on the warped parts to hold properly. The good news is it got me close enough to get the rest of the fuselage together and as I have been known to used a dab or two of putty in previous builds, this will not be a big deal.

I can now move on with masking the wee windows and painting.

Would have been good to insert a strip of styrene in the gap before gluing her up.
But...... you could still sawcut a slot and insert a strip. Or file it open and glue in some sprue!
These options would actually finish nicer then filler.

Just sayin.
All that glitters is not gold Vic. Two weeks ago I was standing in a vast sea of glittering yellow. I went over to the geologist and asked her about it. We have no free standing gold on the claim. What can be seen is Fools Gold and the actual gold is in minute amounts around it. Our plant crushes the rock the gold is in, downs to micron size, then it is shipped to China where the copper and gold is extracted.

Know all about the Pyrite stuff George, loads of it in the streams and river banks here, we often see folks pottering about mid stream of a mountain brook, particularly during the hot summer months, there scooping up handfuls of gravel, small pebbles and such from around rocks in the stream bed looking for that little nugget. We even had a group of people a few years back, hoovering the stream beds, they had the gall to try and persuade the judge that it was fossicking.

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