**** DONE: 1/48 Re.2002 Ariete - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Cheers Andy, CR, Karl and Gnomey

Thanks Vic, Happy New year to you! (And while I'm at it - everyone of you good folk that drop in!)

Another update today as follows:-

Pic 1
This is the Reggiane all together and ready for the painting process. I have not added the aerial mast or bomb as yet . they're likely to get broke, so I'll add then last, along with the alighting gear.

Pic 2
The prop needed a lot of work to get right as the molds were out of alignment. You can see this at the leading edge.

Pic 3
The flaps have been added in the closed position using PVA glue. Later, when I've completed painting, I'll remove them and glue them in place open.

Pic 4
First paint on is over the cockpit framing in the anti-corrosionne verdi colour.

Pic 5 6
Here I decided to paint the tail band rather than rely on the decal. So I've done a little pre-shading, sprayed the band RLM Gelb, and masked up.

Pic 7
The Reggiane has received an overall primer coat in readiness for the topcoats of RLM 70 and 71 with under surface of 65.




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You're doing a very nice job there Peter. If you think that kit has problems you should see the Smer kit. I built it about 10 years ago and it was absolutely horrible. The best you can say about it is that it is a plastic blank that you can use a file and sandpaper to sculpt a Re 2000 out of.
Thanks you gents.

I've been a bit quiet on this one, I'm sorry, but there is still a few days left on the GB, so time to extract a digit or two!

I have needed to purchase additional Luftwaffe serials as Italeri have only included the fuselage serials DV+BI, but on a close look (or not so close really!) of the photo below, the aircraft also carried the serial beneath the wings also. I purchased these from Fantasy Printshop and to get the size needed, I selected from their 1/72 range. The font looks spot on, thankfully.

Another point to note was the upper camo wrap around the leading edge of the wings, which does not appear to show on the profiles that well of this aircraft, but I'll replicate that when laying down the paint.

Okay, some progress to report

Pic 1
I'm going to use a Luftwaffe bomb rather than the Italian one included in the kit. The aircraft was used in ground attack against the French resistance. I think I'd be fairly confident to select German eggs, rather than the Italian. I nicked this one from an Eduard 190 kit I've not started. Included the photo etch tail fin bracing, which I've added.

Pic 2 3
Under surfaces were RLM 65, and I carried out a bit of pre-shade. Id did not show up in the photo (3) very well, but is there. I just need a better photo, so I'll pick some better lighting conditions and re-shoot.

Pic 4
Masks applied.

Pic 5
Top surface of RLM 71 applied "Dulkelgrun". I'm using Model Master paints by the way.

Okay, back to you soon.



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Today's progress (and thanks for your comments guys!)

Masked out the camo and got the RLM 70 on, basically.

Unwrapped and had a good look. I'm happy with the result. A few details to attend to and then gloss and decals next.

Better shot of the pre-shading underneath, so you can see how that went.

Thanks for stopping by!




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