Thanks very much for the kind words chaps!
I think this kit is starting to affect me, as the workmanship is nowhere near my usual standards. Ah, well, it'll all be over soon - I hope!
Here's where things are at the moment.
PIC 1. The wing sweep pneumatic seals are sort of painted - bl**dy difficult to get in at this angle. Note that all the 'blotches' of darker grey on the fuselage in various areas are the beginning of weathering, and will be, er ... refined ...later.
PICS 2 to 4. The landing gear legs in place, having been given a coat of clear gloss. Some plastic tabs have been cemented into the main gear wells, in order to fit the gear doors. I've decided not to add any plumbing to the wheel bays, as I can't be bl**dy bothered, so there!
PIC 5. The 'solid' landing lamps were drilled out, the rear mounting plate etched in, and the lamps chromed with a silver paint pen, then glazed with 'Kristal Klear'. The somewhat thick plastic of the doors themselves was etched and filed back, to create a rebate and lip, more in keeping with the real thing.
That's it for now, I'll post another up-date after another tub of Valium, and meanwhile I'm off to start on the Halifax .....