**** DONE: 1/48th F4U-1D Corsair - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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hey, Guys,
I was working on the landing gear and I have run into a bit of quandry. So, all you Corsair experts, I need your help here. After looking over quite a few 1D pics, I cannot decide what color the outside side of the main gear hubs should be and the inside hubs as well. I was thinking steel for the inside and either steel or sea blue for the outside hubs. Now, the arresting hook. Right now it is sea blue as is the tail gear. However, given the visibility needs of the landing officer, I cannot see that being accurate. So, either straight white or white/red striped? Any and all help is MUCH appreciated.
I'll see if I can find a photo. After a quick look, I've seen silver, white and blue wheels. .


I'm wondering wondering if the stripes were post war?
**Nope, the second book is showing striped and solid tail hooks.
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You're doing great Dale and looks like you'll have it buttoned up before I finish the cockpit on mine. As to your questions, I usually have a knee jerk answer on my tongue but restrain the temptation to say something. My first thought was that the tail hook would be white with red stripes but then on checking my few pics, I've not been able to confirm. As to the wheels, my first reaction was to say blue, but I've seen various versions as well. So....I'm not much help to you here.
Hey, Andy, Geo, and everyone else,
Yeah, Andy, that is the nice thing about having some time off while I am in between contracts. I have a ton of time to build. It hit me just yesterday that I am damned near done.

I am finding the same thing. About the moment I decide on blue hubs, I turn a page and find 2 pics of steel hubs or white hubs and so on... As for the arresting hook..... the few pics I have show either white or white and some form of striping (white versus some darker color). I think I may go with a straight white hook, but I am not too sure yet. I think I will wait for a day or two and see if Cory chimes in.

I did decide to go with steel hubs. No real reason other than steel will allow me to wash em and get some detail to pop. I have one leg almost done. Waiting for everything to dry before I install the outer hub. I did add a brake line and drilled out an entry hole in the backside of the inner hub.

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It's actually extremely difficult to determine. Most of the period photos have the hook in shadow, and it's impossible to tell. I did find a photo of a -4 during the Korean war and it had a white hook with red stripes on it.

I also found this one of a very late AU-1 with black stripes.


Black stripes seem to be more common. That said, it's far from definitive, and I don't think you could go wrong with either, or even going with painting it the same colour as the gear.

EDIT: Here's an F4U-1 (Birdcage), and as you can see the hook matches the landing gear.

It also appears the Royal Navy Museum's Corsair II has a DSB hook, matching the landing gear.
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Dale, checked my two Corsairs. I just painted them as the instructions directed but they are silver and white. The silver is a Marine Corsair from 1952 Korea and the white is a Black Sheep Corsair


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Hey, Guys,
Thanks for popping in to see how this is going. I started on the weathering. This is the first pass. I used the Tamiya weathering "kits" to add some dirt (coral dust) and dry brushing silver or using the silver artists pencil. I am still working away at weathering and looking through the couple of Corsair books I do have and some 'net research.

I need to reattach the one flap. I decided to leave it off until the heavy handling is done.

Cory, I do have a question. I originally decided not to add the rockets or tanks. As such, I did not open any of the wing points to attach the "pylons". Do I need to go back and at least put the pylons on? I do have another Corsair kit I can use as a templates to drill out the attachment points.


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