**** DONE: 1/72 B-24H “Booby Trap” - Heavy Hitters II GB

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I put in about three hours tonight and am a lot closer to the finish line.
1) Top and side vac nose bubbles cut out and installed. Boy were these a pain to cut out. Tiny little things, but once cut out they went in easy with a little clear parts cement.
2) Vac top turret. And no I didn't forget the framing. The Martin turret didn't have any.
3) Brass rod waist guns installed.
4) Tail fins installed. Really looking like a Liberator now.
5) Tubros and main gear struts installed.
6 7) And finally the wings installed. Needed to set the lens at full wide angle for that first shot with that long Davis wing

I also made a start on the rest of the turrets and wheels but no pictures right now.

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Very nice work Glenn, it's really looking like a Liberator now. On the top turret, wasn't this the same Martin product as fitted to the B-26 and B-25C ? Although it was frameless, there were transparent joints, running back from the gun slots, where the side panels attached to the main dome.
You are correct Terry. The Plexiglas dome was made up of 5 pieces. The center part from front to back. The 2 major side pieces and 2 small side pieces to the sides of the gun slots. The parts had lips that bent inward which were bolter together. The problem is depicting this in 1/72nd scale. I thought about scribing lines and not painting them but I thought it would just look like framing that I had forgotten to paint.

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I've normally scribed narrow, double lines, and they seem to look right. The fact that the other turrets will have painted frames should tell the viewer something!
Another marathon session last night (5 hours) and it's just about done. Most of the time was spent on the three remaining turrets, filing the joints, polishing, masking and painting. One of the ball turret guns had gone missing so I replaced them both with brass rod. Both the nose and tail turrets had the 'no framing' joints that Terry and I were discussing a few posts back so I took his advice and depicted them as a double scribed line which I will also add to the top turret tonight. I also put on the engine cowls, tail skid. resin wheels and gear doors. I'll need about an hour tonight to finish her up, which is good because I have to pack for the trip tonight too.

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I finished the last few things tonight and Booby Trap is Done.
Pictures 1-3) The rams horn pitot tubes weren't included in this version of the kit but Booby Trap definitely had them so I fabricated them from plastic sheet and brass rod filing an airfoil section in the plastic sheet
Picture 4) The added scribed joints in the plexiglass dome of the top turret.
Pictures 5-) The finished product.

I don't think I'll get the Finished thread up before I leave for the weekend but I'll try. If not it will be up mid-week next week with all the 'Official" pictures.

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