some progress shots of the uncompleted cam scheme. the pictures show the most success i had on a multi colour camo for me do date, with no runs no really big imperfections. it still looks very rough because some of the (now painted) masking is still needed. i need to re-mask some of the surfaces now, including the the brown bits i want to keep. there are some grey bits now exposed that i need to also cover, and finally i can then apply the final element of the schemem being the gree bits.
im going to run some tests first however. some bits to be masked are really fiddly, with mabe 1 to 1.5mm widths to the irregular shape. I think that is going to be very hard to mask over exactly, so im going to run some experiements to see if my liquid masking agent ("maskol") can be applied precisely over the iregular shape, but more importantly, whether the maskol, on its own can provide an effective seal, hopefully the answer is yes
as far as the actual application that i have so far is concerned, i am happy with the texture, and the seal i achieved with the masking, but this is far from perfect. More than i had expected, but falling short of what i had hoped for. i also slightly worried about my colour selection. are these hues right for this aircraft. i think so, but i have these nagging and persistent doubts.....