I've finally made a start. As I'm omitting the engine, I've moved straight on to the cockpit area, and a tip for anyone contemplating building this kit - TEST FIT, TEST FIT, TEST FIT !! (Especially if fitting the engine assembly).
I found that the slot in the forward bulkhead, where the floor and cannon breech cover fit, needed enlarging, and it's imperative to fit the breech cover first, although this is not clear in the kit instruction diagrams. After fiddling about and trimming the slot, I decided it would be safer to fit the major parts together first, before painting, in order to avoid damage to the paint work.
The seat pan had the walls thinned down to give a more scale appearance, before cementing onto the floor mounts, and the other parts, such as the control column and fuel management 'box' will be fitted later, as will a home-made seat harness.
I found a colour photo of the cockpit of the '109F in the National Museum, Canada, which seems to confirm that the cockpit was in RLM 02, with the instrument panel in RLM66, so I can continue with painting once all the bits are done. As the canopy will probably be fitted in the closed position, I don't think I'll be going 'overboard' on internal detailing, but will probably add a few bits and pieces.
More soon, once I have something more interesting to show !