Done : Bf109K-4 IV./JG 53 'Black 16' Gruppe Build

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Ok muller here is the pic I have of Black have to wonder how revell could get the style of fuselage cross wrong?

Photo source : Broken Eagles 3 Bf109G/K part 3


  • Bf109K-4_Black 16_IV.JG 53.JPG
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Sorry for the delay in replying, was at the WRC world rally yesterday and today! 8) Got really rained on the last two days but it was worth it.

Thanks for the pic Wayne, I reckon I could mask the decal and spray the white bit thicker....

Another thing I've noticed, the canopy opens really wide, I'll can model it that way
Yes it is! Honestly gentlemen, I've never been a fan of WRC at all. Don't see the point of standing a whole day watching one car pass by every x amount of minutes, where's the fun in that? I wan't to see fighting between the drivers, a fight for each quarter of an inch for each millimeter....I want to see BLOOD! Anyhoo.....can't argue with that, that those driving and the guys reading the map, got b*lls the size of an elephant going the way they do and where they do! Done that a few times with one of my best friends in Sweden, who knows how drive.... Now, I'm not afraid of speed or anything like that, but I can tell you that I left hand inprints in the door handle and seat just trying to hang on....those trees and stones on that narrow dirt road, looked too awfully close for my liking! But, WHAT a thrill! 8)
I f**ked up! I masked the fuselage crosses and sprayed the white bits wider, it turned out great except I tore some of the port 16 decal and a few spots of both cross decals when removing the tape.
I could paint the crosses, but I don't know about the damaged 6. I might have a decal for it somewhere.

I should have sprayed it with Klear before attempting the alteration to the cross.

Checked my spare decals - no black and white numbes the right type I'm afraid. Still, if you give it a coat of 'Klear' first, you should be able to paint-in both damaged areas if you use a 000 or a 5/0 brush. Just take it steady, a bit at a time. It's what I had to do on the number '1' on my Dora.
EDIT; Anybody counted up the combined f**k ups on this Group Build so far?!!

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