Thanks Karl and Glenn
Bluey's aircraft, although he was in his time a very famous Aussie fighter pilot, has not been picked up by any decal manufacturer, which is unfortunate. Rather than use decals for the main markings, I will be painting them using masks, plus using generic/ spares box codes and serials to get the job done.
Pic 1
As a first step, I painted all the white areas.
Pic 2 and 3
First areas was the fin flash. The red colour was sprayed here using insignia red, faded down with a little white added to the red.
Pic 4 and 5
To do the roundels I made masks from magic mask (vinyl) using a circle cutter. It makes the job easier if they are taped down to the mat while you do that.
Pic 6 through 12
Once the roundels were cut, you place them on the model, and then remove the outer circle, spray blue (again mixed with white) and then replace the outer circle and then remove the outside. I covered up the masks completely so that when I spray the camo, it will not leak between the gaps in the masks.
The great thing about doing the roundels this way will be the ease of duplicating the camo changes made when the original US marking were oversprayed on assembly of the aircraft on delivery. More on this soon.