**** DONE: Fw190A-5 USAAF 325FG - Captured / Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

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Plastic Pirate
Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
User Name: N4521U
Category: Somewhere in the middle
Entry: Captured and re-painted Fw190A-5. 317 FS and 325 FS Italy 1944.
Kit: Hasegawa 1/48 Fw190A-4
Accessories: Yes. Interior, cockpit, gun barrels

This one just looked interesting. Had one picture from a profile site until Wurger supplied me with the wartime photo, from the internet.

*Okay, I know. I should Read Everything!!!!! I will have to extend the nose 6 bloody inches!
Maybe I will, maybe I won't!

The caption; Another FW-190 captured in Italy was a plane that was painted by 325 FS. During the was, the unit captured a few Butcherbirds, and the first of these was FW-190 A5 W.Nr unknown. It was flown by 1st Lt. Jack Shafton of 317 FS from Lesinia airbase near Foggia. The plane was immediately grounded by Col. Chester L. Sluder (he was the commander of the unit between 1 April 1944and 11 September 1944) due to worn out tires. After Sluder's departure from command, several pilots tried to start the loot, but during taxiing the canopy fell off and the plane was eventually abandoned.


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It sounds great. Looking forward to that assembling.

Bill , please make a focus on a couple of differences between the A-4 variant and the A-5 type. Wurger A-5 had its fuselage lengthened by 15cm at the area behind the engine cowling. But you know about this. Moreover, these bulges on sides of the engine cowling became longer and a little bit bigger. There appeared the radio compartment hatch on the fuselage underside. The first aid kit door was repositioned up. The FuG 25 antenna was moved back. Ailerons, the rudder and elevators got the new construction (structure).
It sounds great. Looking forward to that assembling.

Bill , please make a focus on a couple of differences between the A-4 variant and the A-5 type. Wurger A-5 had its fuselage lengthened by 15cm at the area behind the engine cowling. But you know about this. Moreover, these bulges on sides of the engine cowling became longer and a little bit bigger. There appeared the radio compartment hatch on the fuselage underside. The first aid kit door was repositioned up. The FuG 25 antenna was moved back. Ailerons, the rudder and elevators got the new construction (structure).

Given all of this, and taking into consideration my old age!!!!!!! Can I have permission to build this as an A-4? Please?
then 4+ it is.
If I hadn't already bought the kit, I would have done a 5...... I just wanted That paint scheme.

Getting tucked into it and an alignment issue with the wing guns, unless they are Supposed to be point out to the sides?! But looking at Waynes, I think that is NOT the case.

I have thinned these gills. *The one on the left is thinned, the right is as kit piece.
Cleaned up the motor, fan, prop and spinner.
And then them guns! And, as Wayne did, I will change the casing discharge openings.


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3a exhausts.jpg

3b old guns.jpg

3c new guns.jpg

Been at it while the wife was watching Beauty and the Geek!!!!!!!!!!

New guns in the cowl, and opened the exhausts!
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