**** DONE: GB-36 1/32 Me262A-1a - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Cockpit looking nice Wayne. Just curious... do you do any weathering inside the cockpit or leave it clean?

Usually drybrushing some silver Pencil chipping, some Pastel, some wash...depends on what can be seen as you close things up.

excellent results Wayne. curious as to what you use for your wiring harness, besides a lot of skill and patience.

different copper wire sizes, Michael.
Thanks Wayne! Weathering of the cockpit is something that I haven't been doing much of and I've been thinking about ways to do a bit more.
I think Alberto moves house for a period and goes off grid....

Anyway been doing a bit during a busy period.

Now put the cockpit into the fuselage, couple of areas that need a bit of work but not bad for the most part.

Wings are also pretty much done with flaps, ailerons and slats all in place, the rear of each is quite thin and sitting in the retracted position there was a pronounced step....so I added some thin strips of Plasticard to get them level with the wing edge.


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