**** DONE: GB-36 1/48 Bf 109C - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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My first attempts were with a fine tip paint brush and thin paint and I thought it looked like crepe. Then I tried the silver pencil and liked that a lot better. I was never able to get them random enough in placement and size. Then I came across this sponge technique and I really like it. You just have to have a really rough texture sponge and just a bit of paint on it and dab away. The chips are nice and random and variously shaped. Me like!
I haven't updated in a while, but here it is with the weathering and panel lines done, the dull coat applied along with pastel exhaust staining.
I remove the canopy masks and there is some residue I still have to remove.
I know some of you guys will think the weathering and exhaust staining is too heavy, but I'm trying to depict it as an obsolete bird well past its prime and used only for training. The last 2 pictures are what I used as references for the weathering.
Very nicely done Glenn, and the weathering / staining looks good - the mg staining, as Andy mentioned, might be a little heavy, but as the guns were buried in the wings, it's possible that the arrangement could very well leave heavy staining. I've seen it in photos of '109E-1s, with the same armament, although hard to tell if it was as prominent, due to highlights in the pics concerned.
If my Hobbycraft '109Es turn out as well, I'll be happy enough.
Nothing wrong with that weathering Glenn but if concerned about the cannon stains, maybe a light dusting of of sand or mud dust will lighten them. I have some old make-up containers that I use for dusting.
Are you going to use a spiral style spinner on this build? Love the photos of the weathered and worn bf109's--great stuff

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