**** DONE: GB-39 1:48 Dewoitine D.520 - Battle for France to Battle of Britain

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Managed to whine my way out of going to PG. Attached the wings and unintentionally got a decent shot of the cockpit weathering such as it is.


I'll let this set up and then attach the radiator, lower cowling part and tail feathers. Should be able to start painting after the Jays game. Still watching videos on free hand camo and trying to set up a procedure
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Thanks Andy. All the joy stops here. The radiator housing sits a little proud. I started sanding the inside before I decided to take a photo. It seems to be bowed slightly for and aft so once a got it sanded town I hit it with glue and the always popular Berna clamp.


The lower cowl piece has a small gap on each side near the wing roots though no where near as bad as shown in the photo, maybe half to a third in size. I can get one side closed but it skews the seam on the other. I'll worry about lining the seams up and then deal with the gap

Thank you. Tamiya has thankfully provided the option of having the flaps in the lowered position, however, 99% of the photos I've seen have them raised and I do prefer the clean lines. Having said that, if 1% of the photos show the flaps down then it isn't wrong to lower them. Tail feathers on as well


To mount the flaps in the raised position, remove the "A" tabs. The "B" arrows are pointing to the mounting tabs for when the flaps are raised to keep everything aligned.....I think. I'll glue these in after they are cleaned up.


The landing gear and gear doors are painted the same color as the lower surface so once I've given the model the once over I'll glue these in place and get prepped for painting
Thanks. Added some never to be seen again brake lines to the struts. Playing with my camera I found the digital zoom switch. A good thing as it allows me to get in closer but maintain camera distance, a bad thing as it allows unseen flaws to SCREAM into view.


...apparently I can make the photos smaller as well

She stands. I had to modify the gear covers. The covers have 3 slots and the struts have 3 tabs and they lock into place, there is no chance of movement. When I went to attach them to the model, the covers proved to be about 1mm too wide at the top. If you look at the photo above you can see the area I removed. No other build seemed to have this problem.




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