**** DONE: GB-43 1:48 P-51D - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Thanks guys. Attended to the final seam early this AM. I'll give it a final wash up, especially on the wings. This is also the first time I have ever noticed my finger prints on the model, more-so on the fuselage.
Thanks Karl. Wings and things are on. A few seams to fix on the left wing including the wing root. I thought about forcing it up but it would throw the dihedral off. The landing gear is just temporary as I wanted to make sure everything lined up. This is the first time I have ever gotten both wing tips to measure exactly the same, the same went for the vertical stabs. I'll let this all set up for the week and start painting when I get home next week

Thanks guys. Started spraying today; Vallejo Metallics, White Aluminum on the moving parts. Nothing to show......silver not photographing well. I'm going to spray the wings Tamiya Flat Aluminum tomorrow and will post pics. Main wheels are done, still wet but I'll post photos after I weather them. This will give you an idea of the White Aluminum as it shows up better with black around it. Quite a mold seam around these and took quite a bit of time to remove. You can get an idea of what it looked like as its the same on the tail wheel.

.....and done. I used Citadel Black Ink


In the meantime, the tail wheel strut, as expected, disappeared into the ether sometime during the wing clean-up. Surprising that some kit makers can have you add the tail wheel strut at the end of the build and others can't
Thanks guys. Wings are done or so I thought. Having issues so I plum forgot about fixing the step on the left wing. I'll let the paint set up over night and then fix it. Colors used thus far are Vallejo White Aluminum for the ailerons and Tamiya Flat Aluminum for the puttied wing surfaces. Darn near impossible to show the different shades: different settings, exposure times and exposure compensation. These are the keepers...





The other issue besides the tail wheel snapping off is it seems my compressor may be dying. Sometimes it will keep running even when it up to pressure and sometimes, when its stopped it will give a little brrrrrrp, almost as if air is leaking but I can't hear or feel escaping air

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