Thanks again. My 9 year old laptop is acting up and I'm pretty sure that my ethernet adapter is on life support so I may be rare until I solve this. Meantime, a quick update. Decided with great help from Wayne that wing uppers will be 75/83 and that the pattern will be based on Red 7 (once ID'd as
Blue 7) since wavy camo on fuselage closely resembles White 16. Starboard wing is easy, port wing root area not so much so will base on Japo 1997 book scheme shown below which can be applied to the visible parts of Red 7 pictures. The debatable part is whether, or not, the lighter shade is present on the port wing root.
Despite some strong arguments from Wayne favouring replacing the RLM 81 on my already-painted fuselage with 75, I've decide that I will leave it as is because 1) it will be tricky to redo it, 2) most if not all publications with pics and profiles, including Claes Sundin's, maintain that the colour behind the canopy is 81 and finally, 3) I like it. That said, if I had not painted the model already, I would have probably gone with the 75 as suggested by Wayne as the evidence is strong. I will, however, need to do a minor fix on the port side to make the scheme match Red 7 (more on that in a later post.)
The other thing that I will do is change the nose cowl from 83/75 to 75/77 as that's suggested by the pics and profiles, is fairly easy to do, and will add interest to the chosen scheme. The pic below shows the beginnings of the process. The 83 on the cowl has been masked and painted with 75 and I masked and painted the wing root fairings, leaving a bare area where the seam is. The wing uppers have received the 75 over primer and await the 83 which I may start later today. The flaps are temporarily held in place for this purpose and will be modelled deployed.
Thanks again for looking and I hope to be back with an update sooner than later.