I got quite a bit done this weekend
First, The plastic of this kit is very soft and I bent the tail wheel strut when cleaning the tire up so I broke it off and replaced it with brass rod and turned the wheel a bit. Even if I had not bent the strut its better off reinforced like this. I don't think that strut could have taken the weight of the plane on it.
The radio shelves painted and ready to install. I should not have spent time painting what I believe if an oxygen tank (yellow object) as once it was installed it was imposable to see
The side wall details.
I was disappointed by the way these were broken down in multiple parts. The Accurate Miniatures version looks exactly the same but for some unknown reason ICM broke them down into 2 parts making the curved bottom rail serrate with no positive alignment to glue them together, only a 5mm dimension note in the plans. It males for an extremely week joint and came apart several times when trying to get the cockpit tub installed
The control panel.
This part was clear and I'm not sure if I like this. It was a lot of work painting around the instruments and I think it might have looked just as good or better if I had just painted it black, picked out the details in white and then put a drop of clear gloss on every Instrument face
A couple of shots of the finished cockpit tub once it was installed. The harness is made from wine bottle foil
Lastly, the cockpit glued up.