Great work on your Super Fort George, it's all looking really good from here.
This is a kit I drooled over as a kid. The huge box and fantastic box art were so very tempting in the shop window. Of course at that time I had no concept of the actual size of the completed model.
Great work George.
I don't remember all those problems back when I built it, but then a 15 year old was not worried about such things as seems showing and alignment
Thanks gents. My machine was in the shop to get rid off garbage and upgrade so I couldn't post pics. Almost finished one wing which has taken several days. Because the deicing boots have been removed from this aircraft, the leading edges are BMF so I've been busy getting it seamless. I've also started on the right wing which is a kinda sorta better fit. Also started to button up the fuselage and its looooooong seam. I'm at the mid-point of the upper seam at the moment
Progress being made. Just about a foot the trailing edge of the right wing and 2 inches of the lower fuselage left to glue and then I can get on with filling and sanding. I plan to spray the leading edges NMF and then masking them before gluing the wings to the fuselage
Thanks guys. Even though its been days later since my last update, I'm still sanding and filling. Hoping to complete this today and spray the areas where the de-icer boots were and give the Vallejo a week to set up before masking