In a book, le_stef40 sent me a photo of the page, there is a synopsis of the paint seen on this AC I used in my intro with the crew walking alongside.
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I will be painting as described in this book.
One thing it does mention, I have my own theory, it states it is being delivered to 249 Sqn which is probably true. But the code over-painted looks like MK, which was a code used by 126 Sqn and in the production record reflects the plane was sent to 126 from the factory. The code under the canopy remains with an upper left "corner". Could have been any letter Like B, D, E, F, M, N, P, or R and seams to be yellow. Front air intake cowl looks like Sky where the AC underside may be Azure. Fuselage probably Extra Dark Sea Blue, close to roundel blue. Radiator cover Black as all these different colours may be Replacement parts from other AC which leads Me to believe it has been In Service with 126 Sqn before this picture was taken. Looks like a patch on the lower part of the rudder, possibly battle damage.
Got my work cut out for me!!!
But it will be unique!
Here a couple of enlargded shots of the know pic of the EP257. Judging by the shape of the code latter seen partially above the wing tip I would say it couldn't have been any letter like A,B, D, E, F, P or R, But just M or N. The shape left top part of the letter is very characteristic for these two letters . Also the right piece seen there indicates it as well. Which one it was .. the M is more likely than the N but .. so the choice is yours.