**** DONE: GB-57 1/48 Fw 190A-8 - WW2 Foreign Service

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Certainly looks like the prop and spinner have been re-painted black.
It's possible that the black on the fuselage and wing roots is to hide exhaust staining, rather than being a non-slip panel, which would explain the "wrap around".
Black paint was used on the Bf109F, by some Luftwaffe units, for the same purpose.
I agree with Terry. The black. Both the prop and spinner were repainted with no doubt. Germans didn't used the yellow prop blade tips.
Thinking the same Andy. The upper blade seems to have a touch of green in it. When the aircraft was in Luftwaffe hands I believe it had a spiral on the spinner so paint that out with black, leave the RLM70 blades alone and add a yellow tip for safety. Gloss coating at the moment
Actually the RLM 70 was not only the very dark colour but also of slight greyish tone what gave the appearance of the deep matt. It can be noticed in many pics of Fw 190. Most of the captured Wurgers had the props just of the tone and , what is more, quite worn very often. In the pic below it can be noticed that the baldes look like being brand new ones. I doubt the US maintence team could use the RLM 70 paint. However I may be wrong. Anyway the appearance of the prop is quite different from the one seen in the colour image when she was captured.

the source: the net.
One side done. Never having used these decals before I decided to try the star and bar on the lower wing first as I have lots of spares. As soon as I lifted the decal out of the water I noticed that the right bar had a crack in it and split off when I tried to apply it. I did manage to get everything lined up and then used Microscale Liquid Decal Film on the rest. After the film set up, I applied the upper wing star and bar and the fuselage one without issue but when it came to apply the "OO" it promptly split and once again I managed to get it on with a lot of persuasion. To be fair to the decals and the film, there was a crease running through the sheet and I'm not sure how much film to use to cover the decals. The crease runs through another decal option so I'm going to slather the film on as these decals are very unique. Anyhoo.....rant over, here's a photo

Done for another week but only a 6 day work week Have a good week gentlemen
Very red Baron like what i think it was supposed to look. Good job.
Thanks guys. On finals now and finished pics should be up by weekend maybe earlier. Son's camp opens on Thursday, flight is a 6:00am so we spend tonight in PG tonight. Drive home and then back down Friday to pick up #1 daughter travelling back from Kamloops to PG on 8:30pm bus. Decals and flat coat are done.


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