Thanks guys. Vic, generally I have found the fit to be pretty good but when you build your kit, do a lot of dry fitting to understand what you are dealing with. There are a lot of parts that interact and any one or more that are slightly out of line can cause problems. I never could figure out what was causing the small step in the wing root fairings and despite trimming a lot of plastic it is still there:
As you can see, it's not really bad. I guess it will match the oversized seam lines! Anyway, as you'll note above, the wing leading edges have been glued and the only way to hold them together was to use tape. With the wing on, I also added the horizontal stabs which went fine. There's plenty of adjustment possible so I made sure the srufaces were properly aligned with the wings and fin.
Here are the joints on the lower cowl that needed some force to bring into alignment. As you can see, lining up the forward section of the seam resulted in a step at the rear part near the wing and there doesn't seem to be a way around this.
There's noting major here that a little filing and rescribing won't fix so, all in all I'm satisfied with how it's come together. Thanks again for your continued interest and yes Vic, I'm doing my best to get her done.
EDIT: Argh, damn close-ups! I see a couple of bubbles on the wing uppers that will need to be filled.....