**** DONE: GB-57 1/72 Blenheim MK1 - WW2 Foreign Service

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Graham, don't let a silly old deadline stop you from doing what you want to do wth this kit. After all, it's not like the prize money is worh it!
I would support an 'Late Entry Through No Fault of My Own' submission rule. Would not be eligible for judging, or eligible to collect those Grand Prizes, but would get posted as a GB entry and could be voted on in the best of show competition. Maybe posted with a '*' so readers can tell who are the late entries.
We need to close out the GBs, including best in show voting, within a reasonable timeframe, currently accepted as up to 2 weeks late, otherwise it will become a logistics nightmare. How long would we keep a best in show poll open waiting for latecomers?
I guess I need to keep up? I didn't know about the 2 week grace period. That certainly seems reasonable.
Yep. Last year I was moved into a hugher tax bracket. I'll now claim I had no winner entries this year due to introducing errors. That ought to explain it??
Yeah but I had winners and placers, I'll have to claim something I don't have and will never see because the IRS will use the USPS to hound me relentlessly for something that amounts to the money the US Treasury actually has in its vault! I'm scared! Oh
Prize money ? I'm still waiting for the cool little airplane icons ! Besides If there was prize money the War Dept. would just nab it ! The fuselage is done and ready to close up. I've decided to not do a bunch more detail on it. I just don't have the time and I'm kind of getting bored of this kit. It really is a nasty kit !

Graham, war department? Maybe that what happened to my winnings? I never even saw them! Thanks explains a lot as the cool little airplanes are running a little bit behind.

No rush, no rush…..
Nasty maybe................ but think of all the stories from it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Almost like a Sea Story. They start out "this ain't no shit"!
Well I'm into the paint but the bottom line....won't be done by tomorrow ! Last time I did an all nighter it took me two days to recover ! What I can do now compared to what I could do 40 years ago is very different on SO many levels !! Should have it done by next weekend.


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