Many thanks gents. It's been a hard week, very warm and far too many appointments and it's been a tad warm. Managed to cover everything with a primer grey yesterday morning, the old brush was clogging up some in the heat and my compressor was complaining a bit, but we got there. Dashed out and did the aluminium coats this morning before the garage turned into a sauna, the sun hits the double metal roller doors as soon as it rises and by the time I'd finished with the spray I was dripping, I had the door part up and the yard door open as well for ventilation.
Only thing left in the primer coat are the dollies.
With the aluminium coat I'd like to try and get an aluminium dope effect, so went for a darker aluminium. Any Ideas anyone?
For an aluminum dope I recommend Testors Aluminum, not Metalizer but just Aluminum, if you don't have that Tamiya Aluminum. Basically you want something with a heavy, not fine aluminum flake.
Hi Vic - I've just used the Tamiya Aluminium on my Buffalo and I am rather pleased with the outcome. I found that once I'd put a couple of light coats on it was best to give it a light brush with soft-ish bristles to remove any powdery finish and then to give it a couple of fine coats of polyurethane gloss clear. It came up a treat and I think looks close to the real thing. I'll see if I took any photos to show the outcome.