And back to work!
Got the gun sight and slave unit painted, and one of the side screens fitted. This was made from a piece of thin transparent packaging material. It only took three attempts to cut the shape, and four attempts to fit it !
The SK ejection seat has now completed Stage Three of its preparation, having had the basic paint work done.
PIC 1. Shows the painted gun sight, mounting bracket and slave unit. Some retouching will be done when work in this area is complete.
PIC 2. The first side screen in place. The small gaps are partly filled with PVA, some of which is visible here, still drying. More will be added when the firsat lot has hardened and, once done, and the screen fitted to the other side, the bottoms and forward edges will be painted to blend in with the armoured glass screen and instrument coaming.
PIC 3. The ejection seat so far. The seat squab was cut from the kit back rest, and the moulded belts filed off, and has been fitted into the seat pan to represent the PSP. On the right of the seat, some copper and lead wire has been fitted to represent the hoses and wires from the PEC, and these will be bent into place and retouched later, along with those areas to be retouched after handling. Next stage here is to make and fit the combined seat / parachute harness, using thick foil, copper and lead wire.
Thanks again for your interest.