**** DONE: MiG 21 PF 'Fishbed D', Moscow District PVO Aviation Fighter Regiment, 1967

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Thanks very much Wojtek, that's brilliant! As for the colours, you're right, I always thought the cockpits of earlier MiGs were a grey colour. Ah, well, not to worry. I might try to repaint it, but it might really mess it up. I'll have to think about it!
Found a pic which shows the grey side consoles and cockpit, and black main instrument panel! The caption describes it as 'Console Grey', which appears to be the grey-blue colour, and it's on a PF. The caption also states this was the standard colour before the introduction of the Peacock blue- green in the late 1960's. So, I've got the parts soaking in Isopropyl alchohol, which seems to be lifting the acrylic paint quite nicely. With a bit of luck, I should be able to re-paint the cockpit the correct colour woithout too much loss of detail. Pity the book had ther pics of the blue cockpit before the earlier colours!!
Sounds good Terry.However you have to do some additional work on that.But life is brutal and full of zasackas Therefore I'm always quite sceptical about them.Especailly about these WW2 ones.Most of them were colourized later and currently all believes these are orginal shots.I don't believe an ordinary soldier or man could buy the colour negatives or film stocks without any problems.If the guy could afford it at all especially during a war. Later when these appeared commonly and it was possible to purchase them , the problem was the accuracy of colours.So nobody can convinced me there is a lot of a such colour references.
Very true my freind. As I used to be a technical specialist with an International photographic manufacturer (yellow boxes!) after my military service, I sometimes had to analyse such photos. Those taken by the USAAF official photographers were normally genuine, done on Kodachrome, or Ektachrome plates, and many of the pics from G.I.'s used Kodachrome transparency film also, sometimes sent from home, and in late war, occassionally 'liberated' from gun-camera stcock!
R.A.F. colour shots were perhaps not rare, but not common, and again, the 'official' photographers had the better access to limited stocks of colour film, for example Charles Brown. There was a hand-colouring process around at the time, which looks acceptable in reproductions in print, but is obvious on the original photo.
The colour pic I used for the MiG appears to have been taken at an outdoor museum, judging by the background.
Success! The blue paint has come off reasonably well, without 'clogging' the detail too much, and I've re-painted the cockpit to resemble the grey-blue colour, and painted the instrument panel very dark grey, to contrast with the instruments. Just got to re-paint all the detail now! Pics tomorrow all being well.
Damn....and blue is my favourite colour!!!!..........Glad you've got that on sorted T and good on you Wojetk, don't know what we would do without you.

Yep, got to thank Commander Bondski for the great help and pics etc!
Anyway, the cockpit has now been re-painted in the grey-blue colour, although it looks more blue in the pics. The shock cone, wheel well and cockpit tub have been fitted, and the nose sections joined. The instructions called for 15 gr of weight up front but, using the method employed when using PE4 (plastic explosive), I adopted the 'P' Formula, where P = Plenty, and bunged in about 40gr of lead, plus Blu-Tac to hold it all in place and shield any light from the cockpit to the nose intake!
The kit ejector seat is reasonable, but basic, so only the sides and top will be used, with some added scratch-built detail, and this will be added, along with the remaining detail over the instrument panel, once the model has been painted.


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Thanks Vic ! I think it could have been better, but some of the detail was still partially clogged from the old acrylic paint - bl**dy awful stuff to brush-paint with, like kiddie colour toytown time!
You'r welcome Terry.Glad you managed to remove the blue paint and replaced it with the grey. Well done my friend.
Thanks very much all, and especially Commander Wojtek Bondski ! The last lot of pics you sent are really helpful my friend.
(Psst! The envelope is in the hollow tree at the edge of the park......!)

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