You're welcome Gerry, worked on the lower cowling section today trying to reduce the 'step' and blending the shape and angle of the lower cowl panel, more to do yet before it is right and I am satisfied.
Ok spent 2 hours today working on carefully reducing the step and smoothing out the lower cowl, the rear section was nearly 1mm higher than the section in front of the plasticard so lots of filing and checking, some super glue, some scrapping....and so on until the 2 areas were blended, not quite finished yet but need to satisfy some of the natives with some pics...
the first pic again to show the start and the progress after the 2 hours...
Thanks Karl, usually hit it with some 800 sandpaper to smooth it all out at the end and tidy it all up, then i can see just what if anything still needs to be done. next step is to rescribe the panel line and latches.