**** DONE: PCM 1/32 Fw190A-1 Brown 1 Oblt.Walter Schneider 6/JG26

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thanks Terry and David.

Spent 2 hours this morning doing the pencil panel lines....next job will be some pastel work....


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Very well done! Congratulations!
Just a quick question, did you used masks for the green camou or it was done free hand?
Looking Good Wayne.That mottling looks alittle different than some like it kinda flows with airstream/fuse.
Thanks guys....well did a bit of Pastel work, kept it light for now, this bird was new to service...may add more later.
Also added a bit more fuselage mottle...was a bit light on...compared to one of the photo's, next was to put on a gloss coat, spilled a drop on the tail plane and it reacted with the paint before i could prevent it...SH!T....oh well glossed the rest and later in the day resprayed the 71 and 02 and re-glossed it.....back on track! :)


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