**** DONE: PCM 1/32 Fw190A-1 Brown 1 Oblt.Walter Schneider 6/JG26

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Wayne, if it's not too much trouble, can you post a pic of the saw you use?

here ya go Andy, it's about 30mm long.

....and started some paint today, the yellow recognition markings are done although I wasn't happy with the lower cowl when I found a small section that required filling so wiped the paint off filled the gap, resanded and then repainted, no problem! however....still not completely satisfied with another spot but I'm not pullin' the paint off again...some careful camo and or staining will solve the issue!

Appreciate you comments guys...:)


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Here is the tool Andy, they come on a PE type frame in sets like this. There are a couple of different shapes sets and it's worth scouring the net to find a source. I have found them a very handy tool to have.


Hope this helps.
Yep that's one set I have, you should be able to get it from Hobby Link Japan. I have others which are slightly different thicknesses, got them through a dealer at the Melb Expo , don't know the brand off hand.

Should get some RLM 65 on tomorrow, hopefully I've got all the seams right and can just keep it rolling!
First pics...RLM 02 on the undercarriage covers and wheel wells, then i did the RLM65 overall, found a couple of spots I wasn't happy with but I 'm not going back now...more to come...


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Thanks Guys....

Slightly ahead Vic all the camo is done!


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