It is a good translation Harry. To be honest I meant ":don't lie". In Polish we say "nie bujaj" when we a little bit don't trust anybody's words. My dictionary says "bujać - rock".
OK. Because that you don't have decals of these correct jaws I suggest making and using masks for that. It is quite easy and you should cope with that.
Yes they would. It would be great if Terry could have these but what you would do if not.ALso shipping from UK to the USA will take some time.The deadline is comming up.
If you want to wait for these Terry's decals no problem for me. But we have wasted a little bit of paint and our time haven't we? So what is your decision?
OK. But the paint is a little too fresh tonight and you can't stick these masks yet anyway.
Step one is to print the pic with the 112Sqn jaws with your printer.Check how the printed shark mouth are big in the pic. Use B&W printing colour is not needed.
I don't know that. You have to adjust the pic to your model.Simply it will be a tamplate of the jaws looking at them from side view.So the length of the jaws template has to be the same like the half or so of the air intake.But to estimate it you have to take into consideration these jaws drawing only but not the one of the whole pic.