OK, trying again - fell asleep waiting for this page to load!
As the kit I ordered at my local Model Shop still hasn't arrived, rather than delay things further, I might as well make a start on the one shown below - it's the same basic kit anyway.(PIC 1).
PICS 2 and 3. Most reviews of ICM kits mention two things - warping and excessive flash.
Well the latter doesn't concern me, having 'grown up' with the plastic kit, in the days when there was as much flash as kit parts. Those who whinge about such things should consider a different hobby - if they don't want to do the work, then buy a die cast model! The warping, however, can cause problems along the way, so the fuselage in particular was taped together, and checked visually and against a grid.
PIC 4. One of the things which can make ICM kits difficult for some, is the total lack of locating pins. Again, not a major drama; tabs of plastic card will be cemented at key points along the joint lines, to aid in alignment.
PIC 5. The kit is nicely detailed throughout, as shown by the port cockpit wall here. Separate parts are provided for the throttle quadrant etc, and the entrance hatch can be cut out, and a separate part added if this is required in the open position. Work in this area will begin soon, adding a bit of extra detail.
PIC 6. A minor criticism, considering the finesse of the majority of the kits' parts, is the seat. As can be seen, the sides and seat pan are rather thick. These will be thinned down, and the recess which should be in the base of the seat 'bucket' will be cut and filed to shape. This recess was there to take the weight of the parachute pack closing pouch, where the three ripcord pins passed through metal cones, locking the pack closed until the ripcord was pulled, withdrawing the pins. As the full weight of the pilot was sitting on the parachute, without the recess, the pouch, and pins and cones, would be bearing this weight, which could bend the pins, with dire, if not fatal results in an emergency.
Once this part has been prepared, then the rest of the cockpit can be assembled, some extra detail added, and then painted.
First stage pics should be here very soon, and thanks for your interest so far.
I should have the background story on Bob, and the squadron, completed and posted within the next few days.