**** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build

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What a great choice for a build. I've seen the old file footage of this on different documentaries and it is just too cool. I look forward to watching this one. I doubt there is one of these in 1/72 and I don't do 1/48 but if I was to stumble across this model I would have to get it.
Dirk, MPM has one in 1/72nd. Not sure its still in production though but I'm sure you could find one somewhere. its pretty small in 1/48th it would be tiny in 1/72nd.

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No problem. It was the other way round for me. At the time I saw the MPM goblin I only did 1/48th, and just had to get it when the special hobby kit came out.
Finally got something done on the Goblin.

Picture 1. My method of cutting off resin pouring blocks. I use a pan full of water so there is no dust.

Picture 2 and 3. The ejection seat and cockpit tub, done except for dull coat and a little silver. I may have to fabricate a new stick as it flew from the tweezers wile test fitting and is still MIA.

Picture 4. The hook bay, instrument panel and jet intake. The panel still has to have the dial faces clear coated.

Picture 5. Test fitting the cockpit tub into the fuselage. I was surprised to find that it fit quite well.

Picture 6. I finally had to retire my oldest bottle of paint. Note the price on the lid. I think I bought it back in the mid '70s when I was in grade school. When I opened it today it was so goopy that I had to use a tooth pick to paint a panel indicator light with it.

I hope things will go a little quicker now that I've made a start at last! :D

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Looking really good so far Glenn. As for the paint - they don't make it like that anymore, sadly. I'm lucky if the current so-called Humbrol paint (made Heaven knows where these days, and by whom!) lasts more than a month or two, but I have some of the 'original' stuff which still works after 25 years!!
Just spent 2 hours installing the resin parts in the left fuselage half. Cockpit tub fit OK but I don't even want to talk about the jet intake right now. Too Pi*sed o*f!! Pictures tomorrow.
Thats cool and a neat subject too mate.BB
Here's the work I did last night:

Pictures 1 2 are the resin parts glued in place and then the fuselage test fitted.

The cockpit tub and the tail pipe fit rather good although I was wishing for 3 hands, one to hold the fuselage, one to hold the tub in place, and one to spray the superglue kicker! :)

The hook bay needed a little work to make a good fit, but turned out OK. :|

The jet intake was a major headache as it was too small for the opening. I managed to get it centered reasonably well but it will take some tricky filling to make it blend in with the front lip of the fuselage as can be seen in the 3rd photo. :mad:

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Gosh, it's so tiny Glenn, I'd be all fingers and thumbs trying to work with that. Your doing a great job mate.

:hotsun: :hotsun:

I didn't realize just how tiny it was until I downloaded the pictures and saw that last one with my fingers in it for scale. What Wayne said about "Getting out a fly swatter" popped into my head. I can't even imagine how small it would be in 1/72 scale!!

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