**** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build

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A blowfly would be bigger......................

:hotsun: :hotsun:
I think I might have an ant problem on the back porch. I've noticed an ant or two crawling across the work bench the last few days. Must get some ant traps before they carry the Goblin off!! :lol:
Crickey Glenn that intake looks like it might be a bit of a bugger to sort out mate .Its lookin good tho stick with it mate.BB
Some more progress pictures

I glued the fuselage together last night. The walls of the forward end of the hook bay had to be built up with card stock that will be sanded flush when totally dry. You can see the filling I will have to do on the inside of the intake. There is also a large gap along the rear fuselage spine that will have to be filled.

Things are moving along pretty good now and I'm starting to think about a possible second entry into the group build. Maybe an F-84 I have on the shelf.

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Nice work Glenn. Seeing it develop, it brings it home that it was just an engine with a seat on top!
Love to see that F84 - had thought of doing one myself, or a F89 from Weathersfield.
Thanks a lot guys!

Matt. Your right, it does look like a pod racer without the wings on it.

I found this picture on the net. The Goblin in 1/144 scale. Someone have that fly swatter!! :lol:
It's part of the Hobbycraft 1/144 GRB-36 'Ficon' kit.

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