**** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build

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Thanks guys :)
Vic, I can't take all the credit for the detail. The resin cockpit tub and ejection seat were beautiful molded and made it easy. The whole assembly was the tub, seat, and panel. I scratch built the control stick as I lost the kit part, found and installed it, then broke it off and lost it for good. The hard part was those d*mn tail fins!!
That should do it. Finish off with a bit of toothpaste on a soft cloth, then Future and you'll be fine.
Great work on those complex fins Glenn. I love the minimal instrument panel - dials for Up, Down and Fast!
Agree with Andy about the canopy. Finish with toothpaste, or better still, 'T-Cut' or metal polish, then a dip in future.
I found a set of sanding/polishing pads I had forgotten I had and cleaned up the mess on the canopy. Looks good as new even without a dip in Future!
Thanks Vic. Nothing fancy. Did it with the windows Paint program. Made one up for Jack too, He likes the shark mouth P-40
Thanks Dirk! It's on hold at the moment because my compressor gave up the ghost. New one is supposed to arrive this Friday, but that's what they told me last week too!
Smoothed out and sanded the canopy joint and masked it for painting. Now all I need is a compressor!!

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