**** DONE: XF-85 Goblin. Parasite Fighter Prototype. Group Build

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Looking good Glenn.
Amazing little model this one.8)
I'm finally getting back to work on the Goblin. I've realized that I have violated the cardinal rule of NMF and forgotten to paint the solid colors first. :oops: Too late now so the anti glare and tips of the tails will have to be painted later with my fingers crossed. All masking for the second shade of silver has now been completed and will be sprayed when I get a chance.

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Thanks guys, but that isn't really much masking for one of my MNF aircraft as the Goblin is so tiny and didn't have too much variance in the panels. The whole thing took me about and hour. The Boeing 247 I did was a good 8 hours of masking over a couple of weeks.

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