Evan, I hope they catch the ba$tards and you have a chance to get your stuff back.
I did a bit of work on Black 6 today while waiting for my Ar234 canopy to cure. A while back I had cut back the spent ammo casing chutes rather than hollowing them out and I know some of you were curious how I would do this. For this, I turned to my trusty aluminum foil tape, cut a section of the required length, and stuck it to the chute stub one face at a time. Then it was a mater of squaring up the end. Below is one of them finished.
Here are both finished and painted
Unfortunately, all this effort turned out to be a waste of time as it all got kinda crushed when I attached the wing to the fuselage. This involved considerable jostling and the fragile tape was pushed out of the way when I got the wing on. Anyway, the wing has now been assembled to the fuselage and I can do a bit of fishing in the chutes to straighten them out. I the meantime, here's a series of shots showing the fit, starting with this overall shot.
The upper wing in the port side fit quite nicely to the fuselage. However, there is a very slight longitudinal misalignment that should be easily fixed. The opening for the MG151 on this side will be covered up.
On the starboard side, there is a bit of a gap at the back that will need to be filled. As you can see, on both sides the whole assemble could have been slid forward a tad as the leading edges show a bot of a lip. However, the front edge of the wing assembly on the bottom butted up nicely in the opening so it will be a simple matter of sanding the lip out. On this side, the cannon bay will be opened up for viewing so there will be a pile of detailing done here.
Here's the joint at the bottom cowl - pretty good fit.
A different story at the back where there will need to be a bit of filling done:
All in all, this operation went reasonably well, considering all the stuff that had to line up. Thanks for looking in.