Duxford 2009

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as most of you know Airframes and I stopped off at Duxford air museum on our way out to visit Seesul in the Czech Republic, so here are the pics !

starting with the EE Lightning and the Avro Vulcan,


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Lysander and Swordfish


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Nice shots Karl. Guess what? I didn't notice the Vulcan!!! How the h*ll could I miss that great big lump??!!
I'll throw a few up here tomorrow - still wading through all 450 pics!!
Ah, what the heck! Here's a few to be going on with. I'll sort some more properly tomorrow, and if anyone needs detail shots, I've got a few of various birds, WW2 and 'modern'.


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Hey Terry, maybe you need new glasses?
Awsome photos Karl. I've been looking forward to those as I remember only too well that you said you were going to visit Duxford on your way to Roman. That must be a great place to see...and big too as I imagine...

Edit: Terry, that are some great photos too. Can't wait to see the rest. I probably wouldn't notice Vulcan myself with so many WW2 birds near by. (Especially the Bf 109.)
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Hi - just found this forum, and would like to say welcome to you all. I live about 15 miles from Duxford, and visit frequently during the summer. I have photographs (not quite as good a quality as the ones above) of all of the Second World war planes based at Duxford, and those that visited for the airshows over the pst few years. If anybody has any burning requests for any photos, let me know and I will try and post them for you
Thanks guys, and welcome Taffy! Introduce yourself in the 'Basics' threads, then everyone will know you're here! Enjoy the forum, there's a great bunch of blokes here mate!
Igor, sorry to say we missed half of one hangar, where the Bf109 and Flug Werke FW190 etc would nornmally be! We only realised when it was too late, and the museum was closing! My fault, I should have realised, having been there many times before, but we were trying to fit it all in during a relatively short visit. Yes, it's a big place, a working airfield, and from one end to the otherthe museum part is over one kilometre, if the Land Warfare hall is included.
Thanks fellas. Now, now Roman, leave the Wildcat out of this....Oh, you mean the aeroplane....thought you meant that other wildcat!!
Anyway, here's a few more of mine - Karl's back at work, so he might not have time to post much at the moment. The last pic is for Wojtek.


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Great pictures Terry. Very nice. No wonder that place is huge, it must be when they managed to squeeze in Sunderland and Lancaster (as it seems to me from the photo) next to each other. Hope one day I'll have an opportunity to visit this museum...

What's the story with that He 111? Nice Spitfires, but Bf 109 (even a shot down one) is my bird. 8)
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Igor, the Sunderland and Lancaster, along with the Vulcan and many of the other larger exhibits, are in what was known as the 'Superhangar', built specially for the Museum, at the edge of the field, and opened in the late 1980's. Since then, many of the larger aircraft which had been parked outside, have been moved, and a newer structure, at the opposite end of the field, is now the purpose-built 'American Museum in England', which is dedicated to the USAAF and USAF prescence in the UK since WW2. This impressive building houses the collection of US aircraft, including the B52, B17G and B24J. It is partly covered in grass, looking like a bunker of sorts, and the curving approach path is lined with tall, glass monoliths, each engraved with row upon row of P51's. P57's, B17's etc, representing every aircraft lost, from the US Air Forces based in England, during WW2 - it's a very long row of monoliths!
In between these buildings are the original airfield hangars (including an empty base, where one hangar was blown up for the BoB movie), inside which the rest of the collections are housed, including the airworthy aircraft which can be seen flying, and the restoration departments.
Roman, it was difficult to photograph the HeIII (ex- Spanish Air Force CASA I-III) due to the restricted space in front of the aircraft. At the time of my previous visit, about 5 years ago, this Heinkel was in pieces on the ground, in a corner of the hangar, but it is now up on it's 'legs', and appears to be progressing slowly. I'm not sure, but it could have been one of those used in the BoB movie of 1968, although it hasn't been in the UK all of the time since then. Unfortunately, there wasn't anyone around to ask about its history or current status.
Here's a couple of the detail shots I managed to get.


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For those unfamiliar with Duxford, here are a couple of pics which might help to give some idea of its size and content.
The first pic, taken a couple of weeks ago, shows the path leading to the 'American Museum', the building in the background, which is about 250 metres behind the aircraft.
The second pic, a 1988 aerial view of an air show day, was taken from an old Museum brochure. Centre top is the then new 'Superhangar', with the original hangars in the centre of the picture. Note the gap where one hangar was, literally, blown up for a scene in the BoB movie, in 1968! The majority of the larger aircraft visible here have now been moved into the 'Superhangar' or American Museum, including the massive B52.
Out of shot to the right is the runway and, in the bottom foreground, where the marquee is visible, is the location today of the American Museum. Out of shot below this site, is the location of the 'Land Warfare Hall', another very large structure, housing tanks and other armoured vehicles etc, portraying warfare on the ground, from WW1 to the present.
Anyone visting the UK who is even remotely interested in aircraft, should try to visit this fantastic museum, where very often warbirds and other vintage types can be seen flying, and it's often possible to get up real close to those on the apron.
Be warned though, to do it justice, you really need two days to see it all comfortably!!


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