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German 1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 121 Luftwaffe DAK AfrikaKorps Portrait Pilot Oblt.Gottlieb



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American 26th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron Of The Hawkeye Group 5th


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German Ludwig Huber + 03-03-1944 Friday
Rang Uffz U Bordschütze (Aktio)
Geburtsdatum 15. Nov 1923
Geburtsort Lochen
Militärische Einheit 2 Fernaufklärungsstaffel 123
Sterbedatum 3. Mär 1944
Sterbeort 8 Km N O Flugplatz Cadurra/Rhodos Feindflug



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His collar patches show him as an Unteroffizier in this photo...
Surely because this picture was taken in 1940 and he had to start his career

Herbert Oblt 3 KG-4, I/NJG-2 He 111 in 1939, Do 17 (lost 5/40)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp POW 8 May, 1941. Shot down over Yorkshire with severe wounds, and exchanged in 1943 for seroiusly wounded British POWs. 17 bomber missions and 38 Long Range night missions. Four "Probables".

Surely because this picture was taken in 1940 and he had to start his career

Herbert Oblt 3 KG-4, I/NJG-2 He 111 in 1939, Do 17 (lost 5/40)
EK 1 & 2
Wound Badge
Night Fighter Operational Clasp POW 8 May, 1941. Shot down over Yorkshire with severe wounds, and exchanged in 1943 for seroiusly wounded British POWs. 17 bomber missions and 38 Long Range night missions. Four "Probables".

I believe that the rank of Oberleutnant is incorrect.

Night of 7/8 May 1941.
2./NJG 2
Do 17 Z-10
W. Nr. 2843
Attacked by night fighter. First attack set the port engine on fire, and the second attack disabled the controls
FF Fw. Wilhem Lettenmeier +
Bf Uffz. Georg Herden Pow
BM Uffz. Herbert Thomas PoW-injured.

As Herbert Thomas was an Unteroffizier when shot down, he would have received the standard one-rank promotion while a PoW, taking him to Feldwebel, but certainly not to Oberleutnant. I think the typed details have been added by the seller...
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I believe that the rank of Oberleutnant is incorrect.

Night of 7/8 May 1941.
2./NJG 2
Do 17 Z-10
W. Nr. 2843
Attacked by night fighter. First attack set the port engine on fire, and the second attack disabled the controls
FF Fw. Wilhem Lettenmeier +
Bf Uffz. Georg Herden Pow
BM Uffz. Herbert Thomas PoW-injured.

As Herbert Thomas was an Unteroffizier when shot down, he would have received the standard one-rank promotion while a PoW, taking him to Feldwebel, but vertainly not to Oberleutnant. I think the typed details have been added by the seller...
Thomas was returned in 1943 to Germany. Exchanged due to his burns. He could not fly anymore but didnt leave the Luftwaffe , and continued career. Hence his end rank.

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