F-105D Thunderchief 1/33 scale

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 26, 2011
Moraine Ohio U.S.A.
Ahoy Fellas:
Just finished up my group build No.16. The Vimy is done. I am waiting for the next group build to come up while waiting I will start this build another card kit this the Hobby Model Republic F-105 Thunderchief aka The Thud. I seen a lot of these during the Vietnam war dropping napalm right and left on the NVA, Whew... I can still smell the napalm not like victory but the stench is unforgettable..I am starting the build as I type out this post. Later this evening I will post some update pix. Here is a sneak preview of whats shaking.



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Wow you arent hanging about

Looks a bit less trying than the Vimy, enjoy

I don't know about that... with all those compound curves? In flippin paper? I'm still utterly amazed.

Card modelers witnessing plastic kits come to popularity back in the day must have had the same reaction that I had as a plastic modeller witnessing the Lego models take over my genre. Utter disgust with those young faddish whipper snappers (my actual utterances are not publishable).
Ahoy Fellas
Here is a update build report on the wild Weasel. Quite different then the Vimy I dont build very many jets I am primarly a prop man like most fellas But then this aircraft has its ri9ght in History.. Durring my hitch in the Navy I use to see these Thuds Zooming out of the wild blue yonder prepareing for a low level bomb laydown Napom. These planes were the B-17s of the cold war take what ever beating they can take anf give charlie in return pure Hell.. As to the build going very smoothly I made one mistake I sprayed on some Krylon clear to make the paper more applyable in handeling faded out the dark green must have been a chemical reaction to the clear varnish spray. It wont look right if I leave the rest of the casrdstock alone so I may as well continmue on the spray but it dont take away the build There was fit issye with skin No. 3 it was a tad to small to jpoin the adjaceing skin but i mad it wor5k i let the skins dry over night this useing a hot spoon I burnished out5 the seam and it smoothed it out like it never happen ., This a proble at times not very much but it happens you will run acroos fit problems like that of plastic there is a trick to it.. when all is well I constructed the pilots compartment there wasn,t very much to it lacking alot of detail i am not going through the process of super detailing it out then what the kit has offered, So i will build it the way the kit has it it is what it is..But still looks good. Here is the update build report for the night more tomorrow.



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Just wondering if you stop for a breath in between builds Boats....great stuff mate!

Ahoy Wayne
thanks My man for your wonderfull reply LOLlllllllllllll Nope I just a keep a going, In the winter time I build like like a madman, Keeps me from goin bughouse durring the winter months..The mighty Thud is different then my usual builds IO am mostly a prop man. but I love the cold war jets I have a update this evening for the build report been doing another Honey Do list for the Mrs got to keep mama happy if not she will take away the glue.. Thanks Wayne for your4 reply Dear Sir.

The only fuel needed is good, strong Navy Rum! :lol: Love all your builds Boats, prop or jet, takes a different kinda craftsman to do these and plastic ones... :thumbright:

Ahoy Lucky
Thanks Buddy for your reply matter of fact I just grabbed a bottle of grogg have to have a couple for R and R I love to build its a labor of love thanks My man your the greatist.

Ahoy Fellows
I,.m truely sorry for not letting you fellas on the details of the build I had a gust of wind blew my thunderchief off the work bench I didn,t know it until I steped on it I cursed myself senseless I was cussing a blowing my tubes. I had to staret over again Luicky me I had two more kits of this this klit is the gomix flymodel kit a much better kit as to the new build I am sa far as I left off from the other build that got destroyed. No big deal the build still going strong. Okay gang I am on the cockpit construction I will have that completed tomorrow then I will continue onward on the fuselage constructionj here is the update build report tomorrow i wil take the final better finished pictures of my Vimy for judgeing Here is the update build report fellas.



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