Finished Shots of Each Build...

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
Hi guys,

Sorry for delaying.But being busy recently and lack of Dan made the matter worse.

Well.... I would like to inform you that there were 21 models ( including two judge's ones.) entered for the GB. Here are shots of all finished models so far.

Airframes : Mustang MkIII, 541 Sqn, RAF
Bemay : P-47D of Lt Col Benjamin Mayo 84th FS 78th FG
Bemay : P-51B of Captain Bud Anderson 363FS 357FG
Crimea_River : Hellcat Mk I JV-131 No 800 Squadron HMS Emperor
Dirkpitt289 : No. 175 Squadron Hawker Typhoon Mk. 1B
Imalko : Mustang Mk III of No. 315 Sqn RAF, Sqn Ldr E.Horbaczewski, June 1944
Jamired : Mosquito FB MkVI 617 Sqn The Dambusters
Ozhawk40 : P-38J Lightning 44-23675 "Les Vin, Les Femmes, et Les Chansons"
Rochie : Spitfire IX EN398 flown by W/Cdr Johnnie Johnson
VikingBerserker : Fairy Swordfish of 816th Squadron
Javlin : RAF P-51 Mustang Mk1A
Maglar : A-20G Havoc "Butch"


  • Terry Mustang MkIII  541 Sqn RAF.jpg
    Terry Mustang MkIII 541 Sqn RAF.jpg
    51.5 KB · Views: 408
  • Bemay P-47D 84th FS 78th FG .jpg
    Bemay P-47D 84th FS 78th FG .jpg
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  • Bemay P-51B 363FS 357FG.jpg
    Bemay P-51B 363FS 357FG.jpg
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  • Crimea_River Hellcat Mk I JV-131 800 Sqn .jpg
    Crimea_River Hellcat Mk I JV-131 800 Sqn .jpg
    68.2 KB · Views: 382
  • Dirkpitt289  175 Sqn Hawker Typhoon Mk1B.JPG
    Dirkpitt289 175 Sqn Hawker Typhoon Mk1B.JPG
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  • Imalko Mustang MkIII 315 Sqn RAF.jpg
    Imalko Mustang MkIII 315 Sqn RAF.jpg
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  • Jamierd Mosquito FB MkVI 617 Sqn.jpg
    Jamierd Mosquito FB MkVI 617 Sqn.jpg
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  • Ozhawk40 P-38J Lightning 44-23675 .jpg
    Ozhawk40 P-38J Lightning 44-23675 .jpg
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  • Rochie Spitfire IX EN398.jpg
    Rochie Spitfire IX EN398.jpg
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  • VikingBerserker  Fairy Swordfish 816th Sqn.JPG
    VikingBerserker Fairy Swordfish 816th Sqn.JPG
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  • Javlin RAF P-51 Mustang Mk1A.jpg
    Javlin RAF P-51 Mustang Mk1A.jpg
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  • Maglar_A-20G Havoc .JPG
    Maglar_A-20G Havoc .JPG
    61.3 KB · Views: 296
Last edited:
This is not going to be an easy choice and I will ponder on it while visiting the Melbourne Model Expo this weekend.

To all of you, I think this has been one of the more interesting builds since my joining the forum. Well done to all of you, every build is worthy of winning but sadly only one of you will get the accolade.

:hotsun: :hotsun:

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