For Njaco

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Aug 21, 2006
Hi Chirs,

I really dont have much for pictures on this bird. I did find this link that has some pictures and here are a couple I took from the movie though not sure on quality. If you need more and the movie shots work let me know and I may be able to take more. :)

Murphy's War - The Internet Movie Plane Database
Murphy War 1.jpg

Murphy War.jpg
Thanks!!!! I knew it had the cowling missing and it was a deep blue color. Just didn't know the lettering (its been years since I seen the movie). Any shots of a similar engine exposed? Is that an R2800?
Always loved the Goose myself, ever since seeing 'tales of the Golden Monkey' as a kid (With Jake and Jack, and 'Cutter's Goose')
(The Cat is by far the sexiest though :) )
When it comes to the Goose, it was in Uppdrag i Singapore (Bring 'Em Back Alive), with Bruce Boxleitner, Cindy Morgan and Ron O'Neal that was shown on CBS from September 1982 to May 1983, that did it for me... :lol:

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