Frog Me 262

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Over the weekend I finished up the guns and the gun bay. Not yet painted though. Started on building a cockpit. The kit provides a floor and a very cheesy seat...along with a pilot that looks like it's trying to qualify as the Pillsbury doughboy event in the special Olympics.

A bit of fine tuning is left on the guages.
Looking really very nice. But that's a pity you didn't have a look at Me 262 drawings or checked in the net. The cockpit of the plane was a kind of "a semi-barrel" lying horizontally and open at top. The bottom of the "barrel" is well seen through wheel bays.

Picture source... the Internet

I originally intended to make the cockpit more tub shaped but decided it would be a lot easier and less hassle to just build up the cockpit from the floor provided in the kit. I do plan on adding a curved piece to the bottom along with some ribs and plumbing. I doubt the flat floor will be noticable through the canopy. One nice thing about 1:72 scale, it gives a wide margin to fake stuff and still look good.
Should have the cockpit done over the weekend and I'll get some more pictures up.
The seat and harness are all done. I wasn't happy with the guage panel so it's a re do. The seat cushion is plastic with toilet paper painted onto it. The harness is masking tape with fine wire for the hardware. I used Kokanee beer can aluminum to make the harness release.


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