Fujimi 1/48 FW190A-7 'Red 23'

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Cheers lads Those pics were taken last night when i was half asleep, looking at them now, the wings upper surfaces need to cle cleaned up a bit more. Wiped a bit of the paint away at the back of the cockpit too!
I agree with all here.I think it was a good idea of applying the oil paint on all surfaces.You have emphasized both these panel lines and got the weathering effect overally.Cool.
Thanks guys I was showing my workmate the pics, he reckons I should lose the Red 23, and try using the other decals in the kit. The other numbers, which I can't remember, do look a lot more in scale. He reckons I should use a proper size swastika too, he gave me a decal sheet full of them! So It might change from Red 23 to something else.

Any idea how to get future off decals?
It nearly crashed and burned last night Wayne! I sprayed some CA activator on the undercarraige and it stripped a load of paint off both sides of the port wing. I got so annoyed I very nearly threw it in the fire

But I calmed down, put it in a box for safekeeping, will return to it later to try and repair it. Or I might strip the all paint and decals off it and start again. I got some aftermarket decals for a 190 in the post yesterday.

It depends, if the Hasaegawa kit arrives in the next few days I'll start that. Won't be spraying any activator near it though!

Aw man, that sucks......
Heck M! After all that work, what a thing to happen! Still, if you can save it, that's OK. Shame though, as that overall weathered look was great.
Looking at it today, it doesn't look too bad. What pee'd me off was all the masking, priming, pre-shading, painting, klearing, weathering that I'd need to do again. But I still have other stuff to do like paint the canopy, wheels etc while waiting for paint/klear to dry. I'll attempt a repair on it.

Pics of the f*ck up....

You can see the activator attacked the cross decal too!

Note my workbench is a lot tidier now!

Your cutting mat is as bad as mine M! Actually, when you re-do the paintwork, it might work to your advantage, as it could end up looking like paint fade etc. The crosses will probably be fairly easy to paint over - give them a coat of Klear first, as I've found this makes it easier to paint on decals. With a bit of luck, and the 'new' 13, it should look rather good mate.
I now know what I can use to remove the 23 decals Terry except this time I'll paint the activator on, it's never attacked paint on me before, I normally use it to cure CA quickly on aerial wires.
I've used lighter fluid, on a cotton bud, to remove decals before. Seems to work, but you need to be gentle - hence just a little fluid on the end of the cotton bud, so that it won't attack the paint. It's OK with enamels, but I'm not too sure if acrylics would handle it!
You're right wayne, all fixed by close of business tonight. Just needs another oil wash. Painted some exhaust stains when I was preshading the panel lines and added the crappy kit guns.


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